Species Profile
Atlantic Salmon
Salmo Salar
Wade deep enough into speyfishing for steelhead and you’ll eventually feel the tug of tradition — a compelling urge to experience and explore the roots of our sport. Many of the conventions practiced today in swinging flies for steelhead were developed on the Atlantic salmon rivers of northern Europe and eastern Canada over a century ago. Even today there is much to learn. Connect with like-minded anglers from around the globe and join us in the time-honored and world-renowned pursuit of “Salar the Leaper!”
Our Atlantic Salmon Destinations & Partners
March – September
Scotland's Big Four package tour — Ian Gordon (via Aardvark McLeod)
Restigouche River NB — Restigouche River Lodge
Grand Cascapedia River QB — Salmon Lodge
Bonaventure River QB — Camp Bonaventure
Gaula River NOR — Norwegian Flyfishers Club
Iceland rivers — Hreggnasi Angling Club
Kola Peninsula rivers RUS —
2018 Hosted Atlantic Salmon Trips
May 27 – Jun 3: New Brunswick | Restigouche Atlantic Salmon [1]
Jul 15 – Jul 22: Norway | Gaula River Atlantic Salmon [inquire]
No availalibity in the trip you want? Get on the wait list as an alternate for this year or for an opening next year. Just send an email and indicate which trip you are interested in.